Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Antique Walnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Application Method: Brush
*Sealer: Yes
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368067
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Bombay Mahogany
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
*Tintable: No
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368109
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Classic Oak
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Mission Oak
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Tintable: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Application Method: Brush
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Natural Cherry
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Sealer: Yes
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: No
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368117
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Pecan
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Tintable: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Application Method: Brush
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*Sealer: Yes
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368042
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Royal Walnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Sealer: Yes
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Brush
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Tudor
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: No
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Sealer: Yes
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Application Method: Brush
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: American Chestnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*Tintable: No
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Classic Black
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Tintable: No
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Honey Pine
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*UV Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Tintable: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368034
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Olde Maple
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: No
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 120-150 sq. ft.
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368059
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: American Chestnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Application Method: Brush
*Sealer: Yes
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Tintable: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Classic Black
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Application Method: Brush
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Mission Oak
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Sealer: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Application Method: Brush
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Antique Walnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Sealer: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Tintable: No
*Application Method: Brush
*UV Resistant: No
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1327246
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Classic Oak
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Sealer: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
*UV Resistant: No
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Tintable: No
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1327253
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Honey Pine
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: No
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1327121
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Bombay Mahogany
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Tintable: No
*Sealer: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Application Method: Brush
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1327295
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Olde Maple
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Sealer: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Application Method: Brush
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*UV Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1327238
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Pecan
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Gloss Sheen: Gloss
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Tintable: No
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Sealer: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1327147
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Transparent
*Sheen: Gloss
*Color: Royal Walnut
*Base Type: Deep
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Sealer: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 6 hr.
*Tintable: No
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Antique Walnut
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: No
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Application Method: Brush
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Sealer: Yes
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1367986
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Classic Oak
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*UV Resistant: No
*Tintable: No
*Sealer: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Application Method: Brush
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Honey Pine
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Polyurethane
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*UV Resistant: No
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Application Method: Brush
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1367945
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Bombay Mahogany
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Application Method: Brush
*UV Resistant: No
*Sealer: Yes
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Tintable: Yes
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1368018
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Natural Cherry
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Tintable: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Sealer: Yes
*Application Method: Brush
Brand Name: Minwax
*Sub Brand: PolyShades
*Transparency: Semi-Transparent
*Sheen: Satin
*Color: Olde Maple
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Stain
*Container Size: 0.5 pt.
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*Coverage Area: 30-37.5 sq. ft.
*Sealer: Yes
*Indoor and Outdoor: Indoor
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Application Method: Brush
*Application: Bare or Previously Finished Wood
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: No
*UV Resistant: No
*Gloss Sheen: Satin
*SCAQMD version Ace No. 1367978